Dear Members, Dear Partners and Friends of the Swiss Centers,
We are pleased to invite you to 2 complementary events, a conference on October 24 afternoon and a workshop on October 25 morning in Zurich, co-organized by the Swiss Centers, the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) and economiesuisse.
If the last few years have been disruptive, 2022 seems to announce a turning point for international companies’ activities in China. The geopolitical events of the first half of 2022 and the appearance of the omicron variant in China have had a key impact on Swiss companies’ expectations and views of China. This was evident from the annual business survey conducted every year since 2006 on the challenges and competitiveness of Swiss companies active in China.
Important new questions have arisen which, for many, necessitate a revision of the existing China strategies. This is further amplified with the decisions and policies communicated during the 20th Party Congress, an event that shapes China’s future for the short and mid-term.
On October 24 afternoon, a conference with a selection of high-level speakers will bring clarity and the required knowledge for Swiss companies to reassess their China strategy and to successfully develop their business in China. It also serves as the first event to discuss the business impact of the 20th Party Congress.
Then, on October 25 morning, we invite you to join an exclusive practical workshop which will provide the participants concrete elements to reassess your strategy and pursue the development of your business in China. It will also be an opportunity to have in-depth exchange with experts and fellow executives. In order to keep a high-level of quality, the workshop is limited to 20 companies with a maximum of 2 representatives each.
October 24 afternoon conference + October 25 morning workshop:
- Members*: 500 CHF (400 CHF for 2nd participant)
- Non-members: 650 CHF (550 CHF for 2nd participant)
Registration: Please register HERE
October 24 afternoon conference ONLY:
- Members*: 80 CHF
- Non-members: 120 CHF
Registration: Please register HERE
* Swiss Centers, SCCC/SHKBA, economiesuisse and Swiss-Chinese Association
Please note that registration is mandatory. Substitutes for registered persons unable to attend are welcome, otherwise full no-show charge will be applied.
Click HERE to read full invitation letter and agenda