The book originally written in English, combines financial awareness with detailed understanding of Switzerland’s strengths as it focuses on fourteen individual business sectors to show how this remarkable success has been achieved. The author, Mr. James Breiding, has published articles for The Economist, The Neue Zuercher Zeitung and the ETH. He also co-authored with Dr. Gerhard Schwarz, the CEO of Avenir Suisse, Switzerland leading ‘think-tank’ of a book entitled “Wirtschaftswunder Schweiz” (The Swiss Economic Miracle).
The Chinese version is to be published by Citic Press, the renowned publisher in China on business books, who has successfully done the Chinese version of Steve Jobs’ biography.
To make the Chinese version more interesting to the readers, we decided together with the author to include specific case studies of Swiss business success in China. The companies also have the opportunity to have customized hardcovers with their logos as corporate gifts. For further details, please refer to the project description both in English and in Chinese.