2024 - Feb 05, 2024

Welcome Bcomp joined us as a new member

📢 Exciting news! Bcomp Ltd, the eco-champion in crafting lightweight solutions from natural fibers, is now a valued member of the Swiss Centers China! 🎆

â™» As a Swiss cleantech company and ESG-enabler, Bcomp is committed to developing and offering sustainable lightweighting solutions. With their proprietary technologies, ampliTex™ and powerRibs™, they’re making waves in everything from high-end car interiors to high-speed motorsports, sports gear, and even space!

🌏 In pursuit of their global mission to decarbonize the mobility industry and following the successful closure of an oversubscribed Series B funding with strategic group of investors like BMW i Ventures, Volvo Cars Tech Fund, Porsche Ventures or Airbus Ventures, Bcomp expanded into China in 2023, establishing offices in Shanghai at the Swiss Centers Hongqiao location, delving into the vast world of China’s automotive market. With this strategic move Bcomp can work more closely with OEMs and other players of the automotive market, expanding their sustainability impact in the mobility industry. They’re on a mission to make our rides more sustainable without compromising performance, and we’re right there with them!

🤝 Swiss Centers is proud to play a pivotal role in supporting Bcomp’s business development journey in China. Beyond providing facilities, we actively contribute to their success in doing business in China. We’re cheering on Bcomp as they bring Swiss innovation to China, decarbonising the world, one lightweight solution at a time.


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