An instructive webinar, organized in collaboration with the Section Romande de la Société Suisse-Chine (SRSSC), was held on September 8th on the hot topic for a part of the Swiss economy: China in the COVID era: what (new) risks & opportunities for Swiss companies?
About 60 participants with various profiles joined this event: C-suite, based in Switzerland, or in China, from industrial companies as well as consumer products sectors. We were also pleased to have representatives of the economic promotion of the cantons of Neuchâtel, Valais and Geneva and of recognized institutions such as the EPFL, the CSEM and the School of Business at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Zhen Xiao, CEO of the Swiss Centers, gave a presentation on the latest developments in China that may affect positively or negatively the business development of Swiss companies. Various topics such as the growth of the middle class, the dual circulation strategy, the growth of luxury goods sales, the question of innovation or measures related to the COVID pandemic were discussed. One thing is certain: Swiss products have their place, because of their high quality and the positive image the country has in China.
Zhen Xiao, CEO of the Swiss Centers
Tina Lenz, Asia Representative at Brauerei Locher, presented the specific case of her company, which entered the Chinese market in November 2019, a few months before the pandemic. A good dose of preparation, patience, competent partners and the willingness to patiently build brand awareness allowed them to develop step-by-step on this huge but complex market.
Tina Lenz, Asia Representative at Brauerei Locher
The seminar ended with an interesting Q&A where topics such as the protection of intellectual property, the impact of the Federal Council’s China strategy, the common-prosperity strategy were discussed.
Q&A session
To all Swiss companies: do you want to develop your business in China? Do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relations Executive Romain Barrabas.
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