2023 - May 12, 2023

Event report – A closed-door meeting between a dozen Swiss business leaders and a high-level political-economic delegation – on May 4th in Geneva

On May 4th in Geneva, we had the pleasure to organize a closed-door meeting between a dozen Swiss business leaders and a high-level political-economic delegation led by CHEN Jie, Member of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee and Party Secretary of the Huangpu District Committee.

The welcome addresses were given by our General Manager Zhen Xiao, our President Jean-Jacques de Dardel (online) and Michael Kleiner, Economic Development Officer at Geneva – Economic Development, Research and Innovation. This was followed by several speeches highlighting the various assets of Guangzhou in general and its dynamic Huangpu district in particular.

Did you know, for example, that Guangzhou is the place in China where the largest number of automobiles are produced? It was therefore no coincidence that ZENG Qinghong, #Chairman of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. – the 3rd largest car producer behind Tesla and BYD – was present.

No less than ten companies and organizations had the opportunity to present themselves and to explore business opportunities: Bonnard Lawson International Law FirmD NotationFELCO SAGreen Hydrogen Organisation – GH2Lenz & StaehelinLonzaMu-Tools SANetsensing TechnologySwiss Airtainer SA and the Geneva branch of the Bank of China.

The event, supported by the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), ended with a networking session that allowed to deepen the exchanges.

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