Dear Friends of Swiss Centers,
Our annual Swiss Business Confidence Survey in China highlights that the lack of understanding from the headquarter has been ranked among the top 3 internal challenges that Swiss subsidiaries in China face.
This reality is even more prevalent since international travel and exchanges have been disrupted by the pandemic. At the same time, while China remains an extremely attractive and important market for many companies, developing business there is increasingly complex and less than straight-forward.
For these reasons, the Swiss Centers and the St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI-HSG), in partnership with the Chambre neuchâteloise du commerce et de l’industrie (CNCI), join forces this year again to offer a one-and-a-half-day workshop dedicated to the Swiss companies having or planning to set up a business in China, and who wish to improve cross-border management methods between Switzerland and China.
On the basis of our practical expertise supporting more than 100 subsidiaries in China and combined with our research, we have developed a program to equip each participant with a comprehensive view and practical approach to handle a business in China.
We will also explain cultural and political issues that have an undeniable influence on the development of business in China such as the “dual circulation” strategy, the trade wars and tensions with the USA and Europe.
The program includes a practical workshop session where the participants have the opportunity to present concrete cases and questions, and to practice working out answers and implementable guidelines with the support of the experts giving the seminar.
More details and RSVP here: