Sino-Swiss FTA 2018 Academic Evaluation Report
The Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has since this July been in effect for 4 years. As the first free-trade agreement China closed with a continental European country, this FTA marked an important milestone for Switzerland and China to foster commercial ties in meaningful and innovative ways. But to what extent has the FTA been…
> Read moreSCC Newsletter June 2018 Edition
As US-China trade disputes continue to intensify, the unpredictability (led by Trump’s administration) is worrisome and shadowing the outlook on the relations between the two biggest economic powers. China is responding to this challenge by reassuring its commitment to economic reform and further opening-up. One major event demonstrating the openness is the 1st China International…
> Read moreYear of the Dog: China and the USA are engines of growth in Swiss exports
Shanghai (February 13, 2018) – As China is welcoming the Year of the Dog, Swiss business leaders in China look back to a successful 2017. And they are confident about this years’ operations: 72% expect “higher” or “substantially higher” sales in 2018 compared to 2017, with only 5% expecting lower sales, according to the recent…
> Read moreSCC Newsletter December 2017 Edition
As the festive season and end of the year approaches, we proudly present to you this very last newsletter of 2017 which summarizes the latest member news, interesting events and our upcoming projects in China. 2017 is undoubtedly an extraordinary year to witness the quickening pace of the rapproachment between Switzerland and China, kicking off…
> Read moreWarum Schweizer Unternehmen in China erfolgreich sind - KMU Magazin Nr.9, September 2017
von Nicolas Musy Das Wachstum der chinesischen Wirtschaft verlangsamt sich, gleichzeitig nehmen die Herausforderungen zu. Dennoch fahren gemäss einer Studie die Schweizer Unternehmen nach wie vor bessere Ergebnisse ein. Doch was sind die Gründe für den wachsenden Erfolg der Schweizer Firmen? Jetzt die Studie herunterladen (KMU Magazin Nr.9, September 2017)
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